Our Team Members
click each circle to read our team member's bios!

We run our organization using the Sociocracy Model. This model decentralizes the power in the organization and instead creates different "Circles" of people based on who would naturally work well together, making sure everyone is equally included and considered in all decision making. Below are the different circles we operate under.


Robbie Flanagan (he/him) currently serves as the Producer. He graduated from Emerson College in 2019 with a BFA in Theatre-- specifically focusing in directing and arts administration. Previous works include Girl in the Machine (Mercutio Troupe), Empty Space (Reground) and Octopus (RareWorks Theatre Company). He loves exploring themes of queerness and identity by blurring the line between technology and live theatre. So much so that he once directed a show where one character was done completely through projecting a video of them onto a wall. He is currently brainstorming a devised virtual theatrical experience centered around the relationship between identity and isolation.


Kaley Bachelder (she/her) serves as one of Reground’s Dramaturgs. She graduated from Northeastern University in 2019 with a degree in Theatre and English. Favorite projects include black odyssey boston (dramaturg) at Central Square Theater and Reeling (dramaturg and performer) at Northeastern University. She once filled a duffel bag with twelve pounds of mayonnaise and dumped it over her head for a bit. Currently, Kaley is rewatching Avatar: The Last Airbender (who isn’t?) and grooving to The Olympians self-titled album as she works her day job.


DES BENNET- Education Facilitator
Des Bennett (they/them) is a co-founder of Reground and currently serves as the Education Facilitator. They are a graduating fifth year Theatre Major at Northeastern dedicated to continued learning, iterative experimentation, and collective care as the framework for their artistic endeavors. They are the recipient of the Blackman Scholarship for Outstanding Achievement in the Art of Theatre (2019), and the co-recipient for two Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavor Awards (2018, 2019). Their most recent project, Scenes From Metamorphoses, based on the Myths of Ovid and originally written and directed by Mary Zimmerman, combines traditional theatre techniques and technological advances for socially distant digital theatre. They are currently scheming to design and stage a play over Zoom using Lego puppetry.


MERYL PRENDERGAST- Brand Coordinator
Meryl Prendergast (she/her) is a rising 5th year theatre major at Northeastern University with minors in Photojournalism and Global Fashion Studies. Previous acting credits include Sabina in The Skin of Our Teeth and Irina in Three Sisters. She is a recipient of 2 Project-Based Exploration for the Advancement of Knowledge (PEAK) Awards (2020 and 2021) and received a RISE Award for the presentation of her project at the Northeastern RISE Conference. She has spent the last year traveling around the United States in an RV designing and constructing a clothing line about climate change and filming a narrative series featuring her collection that she hopes to exhibit in January of 2022. She once had to do an entire scene with her scene partner while inside of a cabinet.


ARIELLE GREENSPAN- Brand Coordinator
Arielle Greenspan (she/her) serves as Reground’s Outreach Coordinator! She is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre & Communications Major at Northeastern University with a minor in Performance and Social Change. Some previous works include Water By The Spoonful (director, New Renaissance), She Kills Monsters (Tina/Evil Tina, Northeastern University), Harvey (AD, Acting Out), and numerous student-written works. Other recent projects include the UndeRepair Event Series, StageSource: Homecoming, and other various anti-oppression projects. Arielle is also passionate about rhetorical theory and criticism— she promises it isn’t as boring as it sounds. Arielle’s love of food and art has taken her to 33 countries and counting, on a mission to continuously explore and learn about different cultures.