When We Work
Reground’s decision to go on hiatus stemmed both from individual burnout and from the need to focus on building a more stable and rewarding collective. Neither of these problems could be solved while actively programming, so we took a step back to examine what works best for us. While on hiatus, we’ve developed a new schedule, divided into trimesters, to prioritize rest for our collective members as well as keep our programming fluid and responsive to the current moment. We’ve elected to depart from the typical season model because we were feeling boxed in by the tradition to conceive programming nearly a year in advance, and then being overwhelmed by the expectation to meet those deadlines set so long ago. We hope this model will not only allow for programming that responds to the both changes in our sociopolitical environments and the needs of our community. Below is a more detailed breakdown of our trimester model:
Trimester One (T1): January - April
Programming for: Festival (T1)
Prepping for: Consenses (T2)
Plotting for: FTGU (T3)
Trimester Two: May - August
Programming for: Consenses (T2)
Prepping for: FTGU (T3)
Plotting for: Festival (T1)
Trimester Three: September - December
Programming for: FTGU (T3)
Prepping for: Festival (T1)
Plotting for: Consenses (T2)